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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

'Ourselves Topic' : Mrs Callaghan's class

24th Nov 2017

We used fuzzy felts to make faces.
We used fuzzy felts to make faces.
Following instructions to make a face out of play dough.
Following instructions to make a face out of play dough.
We drew our faces on the IWB.
We drew our faces on the IWB.
We made a pictogram of eye and hair colour in our class.
We made a pictogram of eye and hair colour in our class.
We entered data about eye and hair colour into a graphing program.
We entered data about eye and hair colour into a graphing program.
Look at our play dough face mats.
Look at our play dough face mats.
We did an investigation into germ transfer using Vaseline and glitter.
We did an investigation into germ transfer using Vaseline and glitter.
Making jigsaws showing how our faces reveal emotions.
Making jigsaws showing how our faces reveal emotions.
Having fun playing with the dolls' house.
Having fun playing with the dolls' house.
We are playing in the house role play area.
We are playing in the house role play area.